Monday, August 17, 2009

time for reflection

Having just finished up in a fairly high pressure job, I find I now have the time to kick back and relax and watch the world go by. I've started noticing things like new shoots on plants in the garden and whether the dog next door has a new collar on. Simple, cliched, but something I've been missing for four odd years.

It amazes me how caught up you can get, and how many ways in which you can excuse behaviour that if you see it displayed in other people, you would shake your head at. I ended up becoming the very person I despised. But all fixed now, all happy - and to finish with the ultimate cliche - I've got plenty of time to smell the roses :)


  1. Great start with your blogging LC - now let's see what you're on about!

  2. I second what Rita said. Congratulations on the job decision. Now get blogging young man!
